ImagiNation Afrika has focused on expanding paradigms around learning, play, and what African child-centered spaces look and feel like. They organised the event called “Re-Imagine ECD: A transformative learning journey for Pioneers and Societal Leaders”. The conference took place on February 24th and 25th, 2020 in Dakar, Senegal. It gathered 80 leaders and influencers from key private sectors like telecommunications, transportation, technology, and investment funds as well as UN representatives (UNICEF), local authorities, urban planners and housing representatives. All committed to engage and sustainably shift current models and understandings of early childhood development and its importance in the public space. As experts and facilitators, Huasipichanga’s team participated in the event developing an interactive presentation in the form of a workshop and an installation to showcase how participatory methodologies and placemaking interventions, that follow Child-Friendly approaches, can motivate new models for urban design in Senegal.