Our participatory methodology was developed by the Huasipichanga team in Ecuador and tested throughout the years in various places in South America and Europe. Its validation relies on the outcomes of our projects, which, despite being implemented in diverse cities and engaging different groups of people, have a proven record of being successful. Since our approach is founded on a collaborative model, this methodology is a useful framework to follow when co-creation takes action. Furthermore, each working team has the freedom to define its collaborative model. Get a copy of our manual, you are invited!

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Fieldwork to understand the context, identify the current problems, the social dynamics and community organisation.



We invite people to participate and picture possible solutions and outcomes to co-design a proposal.

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We prepare activities to validate the proposal and co-create a strategy for action.

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We take action by executing the proposal as planned



We inaugurate the project, celebrating our results together. Huasipichai

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The results, outcomes and process of the project are evaluated with specific indicators to understand the impact on the stakeholders.
We generate strategies to communicate the results and outcomes such as publications, digital media, events, etc.



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